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I ve never thought a bag can be as chic and special as this, and meanwhile I also worry about my poor imagination and creativity. I wonder why I have not thought of such a brilliant idea. But I also know that s why Louis Vuitton give so much money away for bag designing. Personally, I think this Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis Bedford bag should be something created by genius.

I wonder why I have not thought of such a brilliant idea. But I also know that s why Louis Vuitton give so much money away for bag designing. Personally, I think this Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis Bedford bag should be something created by genius. You may see this Bedford bag as the reinterpretation of the Papillon bag, and yes, Louis Vuitton has done a great job. I myself love the sleekness of the Louis Vuitton Vernis, because it looks shiny under light and pretty smart.

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