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Submitted by: Jolynn Scoles
When you turn on the television, and browse through home shopping networks, you’ll inevitably find exercise gadgets developed that promise you quick results with minimum effort. Don’t get fooled. These are nothing more than cleverly-designed ways to get your money. Fitness fraud is a fast growing industry hiding behind legitimate workout equipment manufacturers. And because many people are so desperate to lose weight, these businesses continue to thrive. The infomercials complete with so-called experts and testimonials sure sound convincing. Before and after pictures of bodies who have worked out using their equipment seem to substantiate their claim.
Before you get tempted enough to pick up the phone and actually call to order, watch the infomercial closely to decipher whether you’re just taken in for a ride. Here are some signs of fitness fraud that you should be alert about:
1. They promise results in just minutes a day or with very little effort on your part. These are usually found in ab gadgets that tell you they can give you six-pack abs just by wearing their thingamajig. Phooey. Don’t believe them. There is no such thing as spot reduction and no belt or exercise machine can do the job for you. To reduce belly fat and tone your abdomen, you have to reduce your overall body fat levels through good old exercise, diet and hard work. There’s just no other way around it.
2. They base their claims on scientific studies that haven’t passed the intense criteria of peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association. If you think a certain product has promise, call them up and ask where and when it was published and verify it. Ask who funded the study– if it was their company, then that’s all the more reason to be wary. If they can’t give you this important detail, beware of fitness fraud.
3. Check out who is promoting the product. If it’s a so-called expert trying to give you big terms and pseudoscientific jargon, be wary. Look at the qualifications of the doctor or medical professional endorsing the equipment and check if these are authentic. Even if the person promoting the gadget is some hot Hollywood celebrity, you also need to observe caution. If they say that their product takes the “work” out of “workout”, ditch them. That is just not true.
4. Don’t easily believe testimonials. Usually, when their infomercials get to the part where they start showing the testimonials of individuals who have tried the gadget and see that it works, you will see very fine writing on the bottom of your television screen. If you really go closer, you’ll see the words: “Results may vary.” This is just another way of telling you that what worked for these people is not representative of the effect their product has on the general population. So be warned.
5. Use your common sense. If a product is too good to be true, it probably is. Always remember that a genuine fitness product will never promise an easy way to lose weight. The only way to zap the fat away is to work hard at it and eat less. There is just no going around it. Any company that tells you otherwise is only after your money.
About the Author: Happily married mother of 2 beautiful children, fitness enthusiast, and traveler extraordinaire.Check out our full
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