By Chris Chew

Do you know that it possible to grow taller through self hypnosis? Let me guess.You are reading this article because you want to increase your height but at the same time finding it hard to believe that hypnosis can actually help you to grow taller, right?

You see, there are many myths surrounding the concept of hypnotism and this is because of movies, comics and reality shows which exaggerate the effects of hypnotism to give it some commercial value and entertainment. That is why many people think that when you are under hypnosis, you are under the control of the hypno-therapist. This is certainly untrue.

On the contrary, hypnotism is already a recognize form of holistic care and therapy helping millions of people all over the world to lose weight, quit smoking, get rid of anxiety, alleviate depression and even grow taller. Yeah, you read that right.

Most major hospitals even have hypnotherapy departments to provide patients who choose hypnotism as a form of holistic therapy for their diseases and rehabilitation management.

When you are under hypnosis, you are in a state of total relaxation just like when you are about to fall asleep or have just woken up in the morning. You are in full control of your mental faculty and you can wake up and walk away to attend to any other chores immediately if you choose to do so. Yes, its just that simple.


It is during this half sleep half awake state that your hypno-therapist will suggest positive thoughts to your subconscious mind to heal yourself, get rid of negative bad habits and irrational fears like fear of flying or fear of examination, bad eating habits to lose weight and even grow taller etc.

We all know that our thoughts and feelings influence our bodies through the nervous system and the circulatory system pathways. Our brains communicate with our bodies through the nervous system by sending nerve impulses to the body’s cellular tissues and influence their behavior. Your brain thus in this way is able to affect the behavior of every part of your body with its nerve endings extending right into your bone marrow which generate white cells to combat diseases, your thymus, spleen and lymph nodes, glands of your endocrine system, bones, muscles, internal organs, veins and arteries. In other words, all parts of your body.

Your subconscious mind of yours even control and influence the functions of your body even when you sleep such as your breathing, heart beat, digestion system etc. That means that your entire body is literally “wired” by your subconscious mind.

Your brain is also a gland as it produces thousands of chemicals and hormones to be released into your bloodstream so that these chemicals circulate throughout the body and influence the activities of your body tissues at the cellular level. These cells are equipped with receptors that receive the chemicals being released by the brain and respond to them accordingly.

Since this part of your brain is so amazing and can do such wonders to your body, hypnotism is one of the ways we can reach this part of the brain to instruct it the way we want it to behave or suggest to it to increase the production of HGH (human growth hormones) and IGF (insulin like growth factor) in order for you to grow taller.

Therefore, is it possible for you to increase your height even when you are past your growing age? Well, from the physiological point of viewpoint, based on the intelligent design of human brain, especially your subconscious mind in relation to the body, it is therefore definitely able to create cartilage formation, generate bone and muscle growth that can lead to an increase in height at any age.

That being the case, it is thus very possible that you can increase your height and grow taller with self hypnotism. If you do some research into this subject, there are numerous testimonies of people growing taller with the help of hypnotherapy.

However, most people are unable to tap into the power of hypnotherapy to grow taller because hiring good hypno therapist is a very expensive affair. Furthermore, you most probably will not get the results you want with just one visit to your hypnotist’s clinic and repeated visits will cost you a lot of time and money.

Now, the good news is that instead of visiting real life hypnotist for consultations, you can now perform self hypnosis in the comfort of your own home at anytime that you want. By doing this, you can save yourself tons of time and money.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a celeb fitness personal trainer and author. He will show you how to increase your height at How Can I Grow Taller and How To Increase Height With Self Hypnosis


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